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SCI-Indexed Journals: 85 Published
Scopus-Indexed Journal: 12 Published
Publication – Since 2015
101. Pham, Q.Q., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2021). Smart PZT-embedded Sensors for Impedance Monitoring in Prestressed Concrete Anchorage, Sensors, Vol 21, No. 23.
100. Ta, Q.B., Dang, N.L., Kim, Y.C., Kam, H.D., and Kim, J.T. (2021). Semantic Crack-Image Identification Framework for Steel Structures using Atrous Convolution-based Deeplabv3+ Network, Smart Structures and Systems, Accepted.
99. Dang, N.L., Pham, Q.Q., and Kim, J.T. (2021). Piezoelectric Skin Sensor for Electromechanical Impedance Responses Sensitive to Concrete Damage in Prestressed Anchorage Zone, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol 28, No. 6, pp.761-777.
98. Pham, Q.Q., Dang, N.L., Ta, Q.B., and Kim, J.T. (2021). Optimal Localization of Smart Aggregate Sensor for Concrete Damage Monitoring in PSC Anchorage Zone, Sensors, Vol 21, No. 19.
97. Pham, Q.Q., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2021). Piezoelectric Sensor-Embedded Smart Rock for Damage Monitoring in a Prestressed Anchorage Zone, Sensors, Vol 21, No. 2.
96. Nguyen, T.T., Kim, J.T., Ta, Q.B., Ho, D.D., Phan,T.T.V, and Huynh, T.C. (2021). Deep learning-based functional assessment of piezoelectric-based smart interface under various degradations, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol 28, No. 1, pp.69-87.
95. Ta, Q.B., and Kim, J.T. (2020). Monitoring of Corroded and Loosened Bolts in Steel Structures via Deep Learning and Hough Transforms, Sensors, Vol 20, No. 23.
94. Dang, N.L., Pham, Q.Q., and Kim, J.T. (2020). Piezoelectric‐based hoop‐type interface for impedance monitoring of local strand breakage in prestressed multi‐strand anchorage, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol 28, No. 1.
93. Dang, N.L., Huynh, T.C., Pham, Q.Q., Lee, S.Y., and Kim, J.T. (2020). Damage-sensitive Impedance Sensor Placement on Multi-strands Anchorage based on Local Stress Variation Analysis, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol 27, No. 7.
92. Huynh, T.H., Nguyen, K.D., Ho, D.D., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2020). Sensor fault diagnosis for impedance monitoring using piezoelectric interface technique, Sensors, Vol 20, No. 2.
91. Lee, S.Y., Huynh, T.C., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2019). Vibration characteristics of caisson breakwater for various waves, sea levels, and foundations, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1-15.
Huynh, T.C., Ho, D.D., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2019). Sensitivity of Piezoelectric-based Smart Interface to Structural Damage
in Bolted Connections, Sensors, Vol 19, No. 17.
89. Huynh,
T.C., Park, J.H, Jung, H.J and Kim, J.T. (2019). Quasi-autonomous
bolt-loosening detection method using vision-based deep learning and image
processing, Automation in Construction, Vol 105.
88. Nguyen,
C.U., Lee, S.Y. and Kim, J.T (2019). Vibration-Based Damage Assessment
in Gravity-Based Wind Turbine Tower under Various Waves, Shock and
Vibration, Vol. 2019.
87. Nguyen,
C.U., Lee, S.Y., Huynh, T.C., Kim H.T and Kim, J.T. (2019). Vibration
Characteristics of Offshore Wind Turbine with Gravity-Based Foundation under
Wave Excitation, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol 23, pp.405-420.
Huynh, T.C., Lee, S.Y., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2019). Sensing Region Characteristics of Smart Piezoelectric Interface for
Damage Monitoring in Plate-like Structures, Sensors, Vol 19. No. 6.
85. Dang,
N.L., Huynh, T.C., and Kim, J.T (2019). Local Strand-Breakage Detection in Multi-Strand
Anchorage System Using an Impedance-Based Stress Monitoring Method—Feasibility
Study, Sensors, Vol 19. No. 5.
84. Huynh,
T.C., Lee. S.Y., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2019) Vibration-based Structural Identification of Caisson-Foundation System
via In-situ Measurement and Simplified Model, Structural Control &
Health Monitoring, Vol 26. No. 3.
83. Ryu, J.Y., Huynh, T.C., and Kim, J.T. (2018). Tension force estimation in axially loaded members using wearable piezoelectric interface technique, Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 47.
82. Nguyen, C.U., Huynh, T.C., and Kim, J.T. (2018) Vibration-based damage detection in wind
turbine tower via artificial neural networks,Structural
Monitoring and Maintenance, (Scopus,
Non-SCI), Vol. 5, No. 4.
81. Huynh, T.C., Dang,
N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2018). Preload
monitoring in bolted connection using piezoelectric-based smart interface, Sensors, Vol. 18,
No. 2766.
80. Huynh, T.C., Dang, N.L., and Kim,
J.T. (2018). PCA-based filtering
of temperature effect on impedance monitoring in prestressed tendon anchorage,
Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 57-70.
79. Lee, S.Y., Huynh, T.C., and Kim,
J.T. (2018). A Practical Scheme
of Vibration Monitoring and Modal Analysis for Caisson Breakwater, Coastal
Engineering, Vol. 137, pp.103-119.
78. Huynh, T.C. and Kim, J.T. (2018). RBFN-based Temperature Compensation Method
for Impedance Monitoring in Prestressed Tendon Anchorage, Structural
Control & Health Monitoring, Vol 25. No. 6.
76. Huynh, T.C. and Kim, J.T. (2017). Quantitative Damage Identification in Tendon
Anchorage via PZT Interface-based Impedance Monitoring Technique, Smart
Structures and Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2.
75. Nguyen, T.C., Yi, J.H., Kim,
J.T. (2017). Hybrid Damage
Detection in Wind Turbine Tower Structures by Vibration and Impedance Responses,
Wind and Structures, Techno-Press, Vol. 24, No. 4.
74. Huynh, T.C., Nguyen, C.U., Dang, N.L., Kim,
J.T. (2017) Advances and Challenges in Impedance-based
Structural Health Monitoring, Structural
Monitoring and Maintenance, (Scopus,
Non-SCI), Vol. 4, No. 4.
73. Yi, J.H., Kim,
W.S., Kim, J.T., and Park, J.H. (2017). Vibration-based Structural Health Assessment of a Wind Turbine Tower
Using a Wind Turbine Model, Procedia Engineering, (Scopus,
Non-SCI), Vol. 188, pp.333-339.
72. Nguyen, C.U.,
Huynh, T.C., Dang, N.L., and Kim, J.T. (2017). Vibration-based damage alarming criteria for
wind turbine towers, Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, (Scopus,
Non-SCI), Vol. 4, No. 3.
71. Ryu, J.Y., Huynh,
T.C., and Kim, J.T. (2017). Experimental
investigation of magnetic-mount PZT-interface for impedance-based damage
detection in steel girder connection, Structural Monitoring and
Maintenance, Vol. 4, No. 3.
70. Huynh, T.C and Kim, J.T. (2016). Compensation of temperature effect on impedance responses of PZT interface for prestress-loss monitoring in PSC girders, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 17, No. 6.
69. Park, J.H., K.S. Lee, Kim, J.T. (2016). Wind and traffic-induced variation of dynamic characteristics of a cable-stayed bridge - benchmark study, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.491-522.
68. Huynh, T.C., J.H. Park, and Kim,
J.T. (2016). Structural
identification of cable-stayed bridge under back-to-back typhoons,
67. Kim, J.T., Sim, S.H., Cho, S., C.B. Yun, and Min, J.Y. (2016). Recent R&D activities on structural health monitoring in Korea, Structural Monitoring and Maintenance (Scopus, Non-SCI), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.91-114.
66. Huynh, T.C. and Kim, J.T. (2016). FOS-based prestress force monitoring and
temperature effect on unbonded tendon of PSC girder, Journal of Aerospace
Engineering, ASCE.
64. Park, J.H., Huynh, T.C., Choi, S.H., Kim, J.T.
(2015). Vision-based technique for
bolt-loosening detection in wind turbine tower, Wind and Structures, Vol.
21, No. 6 (2015) 709-726.
63. Park, J.H., Huynh, T.C., and Kim, J.T. (2015), Temperature effect on wireless impedance
monitoring in tendon anchorage of prestressed concrete girder, Smart
Structures and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 4.
62. Park, J.H., Huynh, T.C., and Kim,
J.T. (2015), Wireless
monitoring of typhoon-induced variation of dynamic characteristics of a
cable-stayed bridge, Wind and Structures, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 293-314.
61. Huynh, T.C., K.S. Lee, and Kim,
J.T. (2015), Local dynamic
characteristics of PZT impedance interface on tendon anchorage under prestress
force variation, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 375-393.
60. Lee, S.Y., Huynh, T.C. and Kim,
J.T. (2015), Structural
identification of gravity-type caisson structure via vibration feature analysis, Smart
Structures and Systems, Vol. 15, No.2, pp. 259-281.
59. Lee, S.Y. and Kim, J.T. (2015), Effects of foundation damage and water-level
change on vibration modal parameters of gravity-type caisson structure,
Science China Technical Science, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 316-329.
Publication – Between 1995 ~ 2014
58. Huynh, T.C, Park, Y.H, Park, J.H., Hong, D.S., and Kim, J.T. (2014), Effect of temperature variation on vibration monitoring of prestressed concrete girders, Shock and Vibration, Article ID 741618, 9 pages.
57. Huynh, T.C, Park, Y.H, Park, J.H., and Kim,
J.T. (2014), Feasibility verification of mountable PZT-interface
for impedance monitoring in tendon-anchorage, Shock and
Vibration, Article ID 262975, 11 pages.
56. Huynh, T.C. and Kim, J.T., (2014), Impedance-based
cable force monitoring in tendon-anchorage using portable PZT-interface
technique, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2014, Article ID
784731, 11 pages.
55. Li, H.N., Song, G.B., Kim, J.T., and Yi, T.H.
(2014), Sensing methodologies and sensor networks for health monitoring
of civil infrastructures 2013, Int. Journal of Distributed Sensor
Networks, Vol. 2014, Article ID 739807.
54. Li, H.N., Li, G., Song, G.B., and Kim, J.T. (2014), Smart
control algorithms and technology in civil infrastructures, Mathematical
Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2013, Article ID 842802, 2 pages.
53. Ho, D.D, Ngo, T.M.,
and Kim, J.T. (2014), Impedance-based damage monitoring of
steel column connection: numerical simulation, Structural Monitoring and
Maintenance (Scopus, Non-SCI), Vol. 1, No. 3, PP. 339-356.
52. Kim, J.T., Huynh, T.C., and Lee, S.Y. (2014), Wireless structural health monitoring of stay cables under two consecutive typhoons, Structural Monitoring and Maintenance (Scopus, Non-SCI), Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 47-67.
51. Nguyen, K.D., Kim, J.T., and Park. J.H. (2013), Long-term vibration monitoring of cable-stayed bridge using wireless sensor network, Int. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2013, Article ID 804516, 9 pages.
50. Lee, S.Y., Huynh, T.C., Kim, J.T., Yoon, H.S.,
and Han, S.H. (2013), Vibration characteristics of gravity-type caisson
breakwater structure with water-level variation, Int. Journal of
Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2013, Article ID 261396, 10 pages.
49. Nguyen, K.D., Kim, J.T., and Park. J.H.
(2013), Multiscale structural health monitoring of cable-anchorage
system using piezoelectric PZT sensors, Int. Journal of Distributed
Sensor Networks, Vol. 2013, Article ID 2547856, 9 pages.
48. Yi, J.H, Park, W.S., Lee, S.Y., Huynh, T.C., Kim,
J.T., and Seo, C.K. (2013), Evaluation of Vibration characteristics of
an Existing Harbor Caisson Structure Using Tugboat Impact Tests and Modal
Analysis, Int. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2013,
Article ID 806482, 11 pages.
47. Kim, J.T., Nguyen, K.D., and Huynh, T.C.
(2013), Wireless health monitoring of stay cable using piezoelectric
strain response and smart skin technique, Smart Structures and
Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3-4, PP. 381-397.
46. Huynh, T.C., Lee, S.Y., Kim, J.T., Park, W.S.,
and Han, S.H. (2013), Simplified planar model for damage estimation of
interlocked caisson system, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 12, No.
3-4 PP. 441-463.
45. Yim, J., Shin, S.W., Eom, S.H., Wang, M., Yun, C.B.,
Jung, H.J, and Kim, J.T. (2013), Field application of
elasto-magnetic stress sensors for monitoring of cable tension force in
cable-stayed bridges, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3-4, PP.
44. Kim, J.T., Ho, D.D., Hong, D.S., Nguyen,
K.D., Shin, S.W., Yun, C.B., and Shinozuka, M. (2013), System
identification of cable-stayed bridge using vibration response by smart sensor
system, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 5, PP. 533-553.
43. Nguyen, K.D., Ho, D.D., and Kim, J.T. (2013), Damage detection in beam-type structures via PZT’s dual piezoelectric responses, Smart Structures and Systems, Vo. 11, No. 2, PP. 1-15.
42. Yoon, H.S., Lee, S.Y., Kim, J.T., and Yi, J.H.
(2012), Field Implementation of Wireless Vibration Sensing System for
Monitoring of Harbor Caisson Breakwaters, Int. Journal of Distributed Sensor
Network, Vol. 2102, Article
ID 597546, 9 pages.
41. Lee, S.Y., Nguyen, K.D., Huynh, T.C., Kim,
J.T., Yi, J.H., and Han, S.H. (2012), Vibration-based Damage Monitoring
of Harbor Caisson Structure with Damaged Foundation-Structure Interface,
Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 10, No. 6, PP. 517-546.
40. Ho, D.D., Nguyen, K.D., Yoon, H.S., and Kim, J.T. (2012), Multi-scale Acceleration-Dynamic Strain-Impedance Sensor System for Structural Health Monitoring, Int. Journal of Distributed Sensor Network, Vol. 2102, Article ID 709208.
39. Hong, D.S.,
Nguyen, K.D., Lee, I.C., and Kim, J.T. (2012), Temperature-Compensated
Damage Monitoring by using Wireless Acceleration-Impedance Sensor Nodes in
Steel Girder Connection, International Journal of Distributed Sensor
Network , Vol. 2012, Article ID
167120, 12 pages.
38. Nguyen, K.D. and Kim,
J.T. (2012), Smart PZT-interface for wireless impedanace-based
prestress-loss monitoring in tendon-anchorage connection, Smart Structures
and Systems, Vol. 9, No. 6, PP. 489-504.
37. Yi, J.H., Kim, D.K., Ko, S.H., Kim, J.T., Park,
J.H., Kang, K.S., and Feng, M. (2012), Application of Structural Health
Monitoring System for Reliable Seismic Performance Evaluation of
Infrastructures, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 6, PP. 955-967.
36. Park, J.H., Nguyen, K.D., and Kim,
J.T. (2012), Wireless Impedance Sensor Node and Interface Washer
for Damage Monitoring in Structural Connections, Advances in Structural
Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 6, PP. 871-885.
35. Ho, D.D., Stubbs, N., Park, W., and Kim,
J.T. (2012), Prestress-Force Estimation in PSC Girder using Modal
Parameters and System Identification, Advances in Structural Engineering,
Vol. 15, No. 6, PP. 997-1012.
34. Ho, D.D., Lee, P.Y., Nguyen, K.D., Hong, D.S., Lee,
S.Y., Kim, J.T., Shin, S.W., Yun, C.B., Shinozuka, M. (2012), Solar-Powered
Multi-Scale Sensor Node on Imote2 Platform for Hybrid SHM in Cable-Stayed
Bridge, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, PP. 145-164.
33. Park, S.Y., Kim, K.S., Kim, J.T., Kang, D.S., and
Sung, K.J. (2012), Effects of Humic Acid on Phytodegradation of
Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Simultaneously Contaminated with Heavy Metals,
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vo. 23, No. 12, PP. 2034-2041.
32. Lee, S.Y., Lee,
S.R., and Kim, J.T. (2012), Vibration-Based Structural Health
Monitoring of Harbor Caisson Structure Using Auto-Regressive Model,
Advanced Science Letters (Scopus, Non-SCI), Vol. 13, 6 pages.
31. Nguyen, K.D., Lee,
P.Y., and Kim, J.T. (2012), Automated Monitoring of
Cable-Anchorage Force by Imote2-Platformed Impedance Sensor Node, Advanced
Science Letters (Scopus, Non-SCI), Vol. 14.
30. Hong, D.S., Ho, D.D., and Kim, J.T. (2012), Temperature-Compensated Impedance Monitoring of Steel Girder Connections Using Wireless Sensor Node, Advanced Science Letters (Scopus, Non-SCI), Vol. 13.
29. Hong, D.S., Jung, H.J., and Kim,
J.T. (2011), Hybrid Damage
Monitoring of Steel Plate-Girder Bridge under Train-Induced Excitation by
Parallel Acceleration-Impedance Approach, Structural Engineering and
Mechanics, Vol. 40, No. 5, PP. 719-743.
28. Kim, J.T., Park, J.H., Hong, D.S., and Ho, D.D.
(2011), Hybrid
Acceleration-Impedance sensor nodes on Imote2-platform for damage monitoring in
steel structural connections, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 7, No. 5, PP.
27. Kim, I.H., Jung, H. J. and Kim,
J.T. (2011), Numerical
Investigation of an MR Damper-based Smart Passive Control System for Mitigating
Vibration of Stay Cables, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 37,
No. 4, PP. 443-458.
26. Park, J.H., Kim, J.T. and Yi, J.H.
(2011), Output-only Modal
Identification Approach for Time-unsynchronized Signals from Decentralized
Wireless Sensor Network for Linear Structural Systems, Smart Structures and
Systems, Vol. 7, No.1, PP. 59-82.
25. Kim, J.T., Park, J.H., and Hong, D.S. (2011), Sensitivity Analysis of Impedance Sensor Node for Structural Health Monitoring in Cable-Anchor System, Advanced Science Letter (Scopus, Non-SCI), Vol. 4, No. 4/5, PP. 1342-1347.
24. Kim, J.T., Park, J.H. and Hong, D.S.
(2010), Autonomous smart sensor nodes for global and local damage
detection of prestressed concrete, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol.
6(5-6), PP. 711-730.
23. Lee, J., Na, W. B. and Kim, J.T. (2010), Curvature
effect on guided wave propagation in curved steel plates and hollow steel
cylinders, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 34(3), PP. 395-398.
22. Kim, J.T., Park, J. H., Hong, D.S. and Park, W.S. (2010), Hybrid health monitoring of prestressed concrete girder bridges by sequential vibration-impedance approaches, Engineering Structures, Vol. 32, PP. 115-128.
21. Kim, J.T., Park, J.H., Hong, D.S., Cho, H.M., Na,
W.B. and Yi, J.H. (2009), Vibration and Impedance Monitoring for
Prestress-Loss Prediction in PSC Girder Bridges, Smart Structures and
Systems, Vol. 5(1), PP. 81-94.
20. Park, J.H., Kim, J.T., Hong, D.S., Ho, D.D. and Yi, J.H. (2009), Sequential damage detection approaches for beams using time-modal features and artificial neural networks, Journal of sound and vibration, Vol. 323, PP. 451-474.
19. Kim, J.T., Park, J. H., Koo, K.Y. and Lee, J.J.
(2008), Acceleration-based Neural Networks Algorithm for Damage
Detection in Structure, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 4, No. 5, PP. 583-603.
18. Koo, K.Y., Lee, J.J., Yun, C. B. and Kim, J.T. (2008), Damage Detection in Beam-like Structures using Deflections obtained by Modal Flexibility Matrices, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 4, No. 5, PP. 605-628.
17. Kim, J.T., Park, J.H., and Lee, B.J.
(2007), Vibration-based damage monitoring in model plate-girder bridges
under uncertain temperature conditions, Engineering Structures, Vol. 29,
No. 7, PP. 1354-1365.
16. Yi, J.H., Cho, S.J., Koo K.Y., Yoon, J.B., Kim,
J.T., Lee, C.G., and Lee, W.T. (2007), Structure performance evaluation
of a steel-plate girder bridge using ambient acceleration measurements,
Smart Structures and Systems, 3(3), PP. 281-298.
15. Kim, J.T., Park, J.H., Yoon, H.S., and Yi,
J.H. (2007), Vibration-based damage detection in beams using genetic
algorithm, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3, PP. 263-280.
14. Park, J.H., Na, W.B., Kim, J.T., and Cho,
H.M. (2007), Fundamental guided wave attenuations and sensor location
estimation in fluid-filled steel pipes, Russian Journal of Nondestructive
Testing, Vol. 43, No. 9, PP. 631-636.
13. Yoon, H.S., Kang, T.S., Nam, S.Y., Kim, J.T. and Park, J.H. (2007), Measuring coastline morphodynamics using video-based techniques at Haeundae Beach, South Korea", Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50, PP. 1106-1111.
12. Kim, J.T., Na, W.B., Hong, D.S., and Park, J.H. (2006), Global and Local Health Monitoring of Plate-Girder Bridges under Uncertain Temperature Conditions, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 6, PP. 369-379.
11. Kim, J.T., Yun, J.B., Ryu, Y.S., and Cho, H.M. (2004), Identification of prestress-loss in PSC beams using modal information, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, PP. 467-482.
10. Kim, J.T., Ryu, Y.S., Cho, H.M., and Stubbs, N.
(2003), Damage identification in beam-type structures: frequency-based
method vs mode-shape-based method, Engineering Structures, Vol. 25, No. 1, PP.
9. Kim, J.T., and Stubbs, N. (2003), Crack
detection in beam-type structures using frequency data, Journal
of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 259, No. 1, PP. 145-160.
8. Kim, J.T., and Stubbs, N. (2003), Nondestructive
Crack Detection Algorithm for Full-Scale Bridges, Journal of
Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 10, PP. 1358-1366.
7. Kim, J.T., Yun, C.B., and Yi, J.H. (2003), Temperature Effects on Frequency-Based Damage Detection in Plate-Girder Bridges, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 6, PP. 725-733.
6. Ryu, Y.S., Kim, J.H., and Cho, H.M., Kim,
J.T. (2002), LRFD-Based Design Optimization of Steel Box Girder
Sections Using Genetic Algorithms, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.
6, No. 2, PP. 127-134.
5. Kim, J.T., Lee, Y.G., Kim, J.H., and Baek, J.H.
(2002), GUI Software System for Damage Identification in Plate-Girder
Bridges, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, PP. 107-118.
4. Kim, J.T., and Stubbs, N. (2002), Improved Damage Identification Method based on Modal Information, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 252, No. 2, PP. 223-238.
3. Stubbs, N., and Kim, J.T. (1996), Damage localization in Structures Without Baseline Modal parameters, AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 8, PP. 1644-1649.
2. Kim, J.T., and Stubbs, N. (1995), Damage
Detection in Offshore Jacket Structures from Limited Modal Information,
Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, PP. 58-66.
1. Kim, J.T., and Stubbs, N. (1995), Model
uncertainty Impact and Damage-Detection Accuracy in Plate Girder, Journal
of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 10, PP. 1409-1417.
International Journal (Non-SCI, Non-scopus, Unidentified)
● Kim, J.T. and J.H. Yi. (2015), Preface – Special Issue on Advances and
Applications for Structural Health Monitoring in Marine and Civil
Infrastructures, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2
● Li, H.N., Kim, J.T., and Yi, T.H. (2013), Preface – Special Issue on Intelligent
Information Processing Technology in Structural Health Monitoring, Smart
Structures and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3-4
● Park, J.H., Hong, D.S., Kim, J.T., Koo, K.Y., Yun,
C.B. and Park, G. (2008), Wireless
sensing and embedded monitoring Algorithm for damage diagnosis in PSC girders,
Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 56, PP. 420-425.
● Kim, J.T., Ryu, Y.S., and Stubbs, N. (1998), Experimental Verification of a
Vibration-Based Damage Detection Algorithm for Full-Scale Bridges, KSCE
Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, PP. 397-406.
● Lee, S.Y., Kim, J.T., Yi, J.H., Kang, Y.K.
(2009), Structural health monitoring of harbor caisson-type structures using
harmony search method, Journal
of Ocean Engineering and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 1, PP. 122-128.